- The start-up Anchr App
I met with the Start-up Anchr on the 18 of April and their founder, Marcus Skagerberg who is in our class, to discuss their start-up background, idea and business strategy. They are making an app that I believe will be of great use, especially for international visitors and exchange students, who are their first test users, but also other people seeking information based on a particular place. I find their business strategy very interesting and I look forward in using their app. I wrote about them on our class LinkedIn page earlier and you can read about them here: http://anchrapp.com
- Moggi – a start-up for cats
I came across this start-up at the Pirate Summit event Monday 23 of May. They participated in the pitching competition and afterward I sent an email discussing their venture strategy. The idea is a color connected to the app who shows the cat’s medical state and when you need to visit the vet. I was wondering how come they chose only cats and why they didn’t also include dogs, rabbits, and other pets that people have high medical fees of. I was wondering if it was their strategy to begin with cats and then diffuse to other pets. The answer to that is that it is their strategy, which I belive might be a good strategy if comparing with Amazon who begun merely as an online store for books. Its smart to begin within a specific niche in the beginning of a start-up phase, to more easily get market introduction. If you have a cat and would like to try it out, you could help them with feedback to their product, here is a link: http://www.moggie.me. Unfortunately, I don’t have any cat, which stopped me from trying it out.