The lecture of today was very inspiring. I liked the way Vasilis described his life as an entrepreneur and how he reflected about the subject of entrepreneurship. I would really like to visit the Guerilla Office sometime because it sounds like a perfect way to meet new and interesting people. Great idea!!

Also, I got hooked on the things Vasilis said about communication and the concept of being lucky, because it´s so true. Communication, both external, internal and mentally as he described, is the foundation for everything. And being lucky is not about getting lucky, it´s about something else. (Maybe Daft Punk should do a small lyrical change?…) It´s about knowing what you want and then be able to get it. I haven´t thought about it in this way but when Vasilis talks about luck, it makes so much sense.   Thanks Vasilis, you really inspired me! And thanks to Ludwig and Axel for making us lucky enough to meet him!

It´s interesting with people that inspire you. Last week IMBATECH saw that Max Mohammadhassan Mohammad, our course assistant, is on the list of “The 100 Top Rising Potentials”  where the organization 4potentials judge the 4 P´s: proficient (street-smartness), powerfueling (courageous leadership), pioneering (drive) and passionate (hight EQ). Malin Cronqvist, our classmate and the founder of the startup Help to Help that Frida blogged about earlier, is also on the list! Wow!

Here´s a link to the list of 100 Top Rising Potentials:

There´s a lot of inspiring people on that list! Enjoy! 🙂

// Linda