A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to try out the service of a startup. Help to Help is a foundation aiming to create conditions for positive change in developing countries by contributing to education and job creation, and I decided to become a monthly donor. My experience? I tell you in this short video, which has been a part of Help to Help’s promotion campaign:


For those of you who do not speak Swedish, I talk about what is great about Help to Help: transparency and a long-term focus. I also explain why I decided to become monthly donor – to give people in Tanzania the tools to improve their own as well as their country’s situation. Also, the amount of money I donate does not make that much of a difference for me, but is a significant part of their school fees. With a small amount per month I can support a student to become a teacher, who will educate children for generations. Want to know more? Visit their website.

Tonight, I am attending their startup-event, where I will talk to Malin Cronqvist, the founder, about my experience of their services. IMBATECH will keep you updated!

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One Thought on “Social Entrepreneurship Startup: Help to Help

  1. serdar.temiz serdar.temiz on October 9, 2014 at 1:25 pm said:

    Good that you inform us about Social Ent project. Say Hi to them from our class. I met the founder and Fredrik sometime ago.

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