I really enjoyed the Skype-lecture by Terry Beaubois we had on tuesday. Incredible that someone on the other side of the world who, im guessing, is a very busy person, takes time late at night to talk to us!

However, later that day I realized that there where a few questions that I would have liked to ask him, as being someone very much in the loop on what is going on in Silicon Valley at the moment. Basically, there are two technologies that I have developed a great curiosity for recently; namely Virtual Reality and Bitcoin (or ‘Cryptocurrencies’). Two technologies that, from what I have gathered from reading and listening to podcasts, could open up completly new markets and opportunities for business.

Now, I am pretty sure most people have some idea of what VR is, and Terry did touch on the subject in his presentation, but what do you know about Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies? I am hardly an expert on the subject myself. I did not know anything about it a year ago, but then I heard this guy, Andreas Antonopoulos, explaining it on a podcast. It really was one of those MIND = BLOWN -moments. What stuck in my head was a quote when he talked about the potential of Bitcoin and how people call it “the money of the internet”, but he proposed that the adequate description would be “it is the internet of money“.  Now that is a powerful statement if I ever heard one. If you would like to know more about this technology and get an idea of its potential I recomend you to watch this clip of Andreas breaking it down in a crash course:

It is a fairly long clip, but it really explains it in a nice and accessbile way.

All the best,


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One Thought on ““The Internet of Money”

  1. Avatar Sebastian.Korling on February 12, 2015 at 3:43 pm said:

    I think Bitcoin is very interesting, especially since it challenges the “ordinary” currencies. Do you know what the status is right now for Bitcoin? I haven’t heard so much about it in media since the hype and the heavy downfall.

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