Urb-it is a new concept for fast, flexible and personal delivery of online purchasing. In December they will launch urb-it-1Hour in Stockholm. The service will offer home delivery within an hour from a large number of online stores in Stockholm.

They are now searching for 200 associates who through a mobile application will see every online purchase made from one of their affiliated stores. There you can choose to accept/decline a mission to pick up and deliver a package. As an associate you will get paid instantly after the mission is accomplished. They are now reaching out to students in Stockholm who are interested in a completely flexible part-time job.

This more or less summarises the content in their recruitment page which can be found on: http://www.urb-it.com/

Sadly this information is only available in Swedish, which got me thinking: Isn’t this a perfect job for exchange students coming to Stockholm? Since there are a lot of exchange students in this course I find it quite fitting to ask you what you think about this idea. Would you or other exchange-students be interested in having this as a part-time job? Also feel free to discuss the business idea in general.

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